
焦述铭 博士

尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!助理研究员



信息工程和光学工程之间的交叉领域,包括全息三维成像与显示,单像素压缩感知成像,光学计算,光信息处理,光学安全系统,图像处理,机器学习等。 Google Scholar个人主页:





2012年香港特区政府Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme



2020年10月在国际信息显示学会(SID)举办的2020年国际显示技术大会(ICDT 2020)上获得优秀论文奖








担任Optics Letters, Optics Express, Photonics Research, Optica, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, ICCV 2021, CVPR 2022, ECCV 2022等国内外重要期刊及会议的审稿人


1. Shuming Jiao* and Jun Feng, "Image steganography with visual illusion", Optics Express 29.10, 14282-14292 (2021 May 10)

2. Xin Yang, Shuming Jiao*, Qiang Song, Guo-Bin Ma, and Weiwei Cai, "Phase-only color rainbow holographic near-eye display", Optics Letters 46.21, 5445-5448 (2021 Oct 28, *Corresponding Author)

3. Jiamin Wu, Xing Lin, Yuchen Guo, Junwei Liu, Lu Fang*, Shuming Jiao*, Qionghai Dai*, "Analog optical computing for artificial intelligence", Engineering (2021 August 21, *Corresponding Author)

4. Jun Feng, Wei Huang, Shuming Jiao*, and Xiaopeng Wang, "Generalized forgery attack to optical encryption systems," Opt. Express 29(26), 43580-43597 (2021 December 15, *Corresponding Author)

5. Shuming Jiao, Yang Gao, Jun Feng, Ting Lei, and Xiaocong Yuan, "Does deep learning always outperform simple linear regression in optical imaging?," Optics Express 28.3, 3717-3731 (2020 Jan 27)

6. Shuming Jiao, Jun Feng, Yang Gao, Ting Lei, and Xiaocong Yuan, "Visual cryptography in single-pixel imaging", Optics Express 28.5, 7301-7313 (2020 Feb 26)

7. Shuming Jiao, Yang Gao, Ting Lei, and Xiaocong Yuan, "Known-plaintext attack to optical encryption systems with space and polarization encoding", Optics Express 28.6, 8085-8097 (2020 Mar 4)

8. Shuming Jiao, Jun Feng, Yang Gao, Ting Lei, Zhenwei Xie, and Xiaocong Yuan, "Optical machine learning with incoherent light and a single-pixel detector," Optics Letters 44.21, 5186-5189 (2019 Oct 17)

9. Shuming Jiao, Mingjie Sun, Yang Gao, Ting Lei, Zhenwei Xie, and Xiaocong Yuan, “Motion estimation and quality enhancement for a single image in dynamic single-pixel imaging,” Optics Express, 27.9, pp. 12841-12854. (2019 April 29)

10. Shuming Jiao, and Wenbin Zou, "High-resolution parallel phase-shifting digital holography using a low-resolution phase-shifting array device based on image inpainting," Optics Letters, 42.3, pp. 482-485. (2017 Jan 24)

11. Shuming Jiao, Zhaoyong Zhuang, and Wenbin Zou, "Fast computer generated hologram calculation with a mini look-up table incorporated with radial symmetric interpolation," Optics Express, 25.1, pp. 112-123. (2017 Jan 9)

12. Shuming Jiao, P. W. M. Tsang, T. C. Poon, J. P. Liu, W. Zou, and X. Li, "Enhanced Autofocusing in Optical Scanning Holography Based on Hologram Decomposition", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 13.5, pp. 2455-2463. (2017 May 26)

13. Shuming Jiao#, Dongfang Zhang#, Chonglei Zhang, Yang Gao, Ting Lei, and Xiaocong Yuan, "Complex-amplitude holographic projection with a digital micromirror device (DMD) and error diffusion algorithm", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 26.5, pp. 2800108 (2020 May 29, #: equal contribution)

14. Zibang Zhang#, Shuming Jiao#, Manhong Yao, Xiang Li, and Jingang Zhong, “Secured single-pixel broadcast imaging,” Optics Express, 26.11, pp. 14578-14591. (2018 May 28, #: equal contribution)

15. Shuming Jiao#, Dongfang Zhang#, Chonglei Zhang, Yang Gao, Ting Lei, and Xiaocong Yuan, "Data hiding in complex-amplitude modulation using a digital micromirror device", Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 138, pp. 106455 (2021 March 1, #: equal contribution)

16. Shuming Jiao, Changyuan Zhou, Yishi Shi, Wenbin Zou, and Xia Li, "Review on Optical Image Hiding and Watermarking Techniques." Optics & Laser Technology, 109, pp. 370-380. (2019 Jan 1)

17. Shuming Jiao#, Zhi Jin#, Chenliang Chang, Changyuan Zhou, Wenbin Zou, and Xia Li, “Compression of phase-only holograms with JPEG standard and deep learning,” Applied Sciences, 8, pp. 1258. (2018 July 30, #: equal contribution)




